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Mill Hill International

Year 9

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Year 9 - The first entry point to Mill Hill International.

The Year 9 course at Mill Hill International allows pupils to study as wide a range of subjects as possible whilst at the same time building on previous learning in preparation for the start of their GCSE courses. Pupils will also develop their digital literacy and study skills across the curriculum.

The small class sizes and the high level of individual care offered by the School makes this an excellent choice for pupils for whom English is their first language and who would benefit from the increased level of attention. The course is also tailored to international pupils who wish to improve their English whilst following a traditional programme of academic subjects.

The next step would be to move into Year 10 and onto the Two-Year GCSE course at Mill Hill International.

Organisation of the Curriculum

Pupils entering the School in Year 9 come from a variety of educational and cultural backgrounds.

Year 9 is the final year of three academic years called Key Stage 3 in the UK. The Year 9 curriculum at Mill Hill International aims to:

  • Enable pupils to experience as wide a range of subjects as possible;
  • Consolidate previous learning in preparation for the start of their GCSE/IGCSE courses;
  • Develop literacy and study skills across the curriculum.

The structure of the Year 9 curriculum is as follows:

Core subjectsEnglish (as a first or second language, as appropriate) Mathematics Science (Biology, Chemistry and Physics, taught as separate subjects).
Other subjects, taken by all pupilsArt and Design, Computing, Design and Technology (DT), Drama, Geography and History English as an Additional Language (EAL) for pupils who require additional language support, Music, Personal, Social, and Health Education (PSHE), Physical Education (PE), Spanish.
Games and ActivitiesAll pupils have a session of Games each week and participate in the School co-curricular programme.
CommunityAll pupils have the opportunity to participate in community-action activities.


“It was time for me to move from a Prep to Senior school so, when browsing schools online, we found Mill Hill International. It seemed more suitable for me. We chose it because we wanted to have more of an international mixture of people and cultures in which I would feel more comfortable.”
Giulio, UK
“I didn’t feel too comfortable with my English at the beginning which is why I thought Mill Hill International would be a good place to go as it seemed to have the right kind of support in place to help me settle in. Already I feel my English has improved a lot. I had a good Maths level before, I feel that I have been challenged and been able to reach new high standards in that subject.”
Adilet, Kazakhstan
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© Mill Hill International 2025
Registered in England: Number 3404450. Registered Charity Number: 1064758. Registered office: Milespit Hill, Mill Hill Village, London, NW7 2RX