Our Commitment to Safeguarding
As part of the Mill Hill Education Group, we fully recognises the importance of our moral and statutory responsibilities for safeguarding, child protection and protecting the welfare of all our pupils. The Mill Hill Education Group has pupils’ best interests at the centre of everything it does, and the Group expects all staff, volunteers, Governors, parents and pupils to share in this commitment.
Safeguarding refers to measures implemented to protect the health, wellbeing and human rights of children so that they may live free from harm, abuse and neglect. We are committed to protecting every pupil from any form of abuse, whether from an adult or another pupil, and we ensure that staff, volunteers and Governors have regular training to understand and fulfil their collective responsibility in keeping our community safe and report any concerns promptly. The Group adheres to the inter-agency procedures and local protocols of the respective schools’ Local Safeguarding Children’s Partnerships (LSCPs) and Multi Agency Safeguarding Arrangements (MASAs), in line with the government guidance ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children’ and ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’.
The Court of Governors are committed to providing and maintaining a safe and supportive culture where all staff working for Mill Hill Education Group feel confident and competent to raise any concerns regarding pupil welfare or adult behaviour towards pupils.
Mill Hill Education Group is committed to instilling pupils with strong values and sense of belonging within a secure, caring and supportive learning environment, where they feel confident that adults and peers value them, will listen to them and advocate and protect them.
Reporting concerns regarding a pupil:

Ms Suchita Prakash
Deputy Head (Pastoral)
Designated Safeguarding Lead

Ms Alia Bano
Staff and Pupil Wellbeing Lead
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Reporting concerns regarding a member of staff:
Any concern with the behaviour of colleagues or allegation made against a member of staff or volunteer, or the DSL, should immediately be reported to the Head of the School or, if the Head is absent, to the Chair of the Court of Governors of Mill Hill School Education Group.

Ms Sarah Bellotti
Head of Mill Hill International
Reporting concerns regarding the Head:

Mr Antony Spencer
Chief Executive Officer of Mill Hill Education Group
Reporting concerns regarding the CEO:

Mr Elliot Lipton
Chair of Governors
Email via Juliet Hall (Governance Manager)