Open Morning

Saturday 17 May 2025

Our Open Mornings provide a great opportunity to meet the Head, Ms Bellotti, and explore our grounds and facilities.


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  • Meet Ms Emma Jennings
February 26, 2025

We were delighted to speak to Ms Emma Jennings, Director of International Pupil Recruitment. Ms Jennings is also involved with the planning and directing of Mill Hill Short Courses. We were excited to sit down with her and learn more about her role and experience!

How long have you worked at the school?

I have worked at Mill Hill since 2016, so this is my ninth year. Time has passed by very quickly!

Could you shed light on the responsibilities of your role?

My official title is Director of International Pupil Recruitment. My team and I are responsible for recruiting all of our lovely international pupils into Mill Hill School, Mill Hill International, Cobham Hall and onto our Mill Hill Short Courses. We are fortunate enough to spend a lot of our time traveling around the world to meet prospective parents and pupils, and we really love what we do!

Share your favourite aspect of being part of our school.

I'm really happy working here. I have some great colleagues; our pupils are lovely, and the location is perfect.

Any invaluable advice for our pupils to make the most of their time here?

Always try your best. It's all anyone can ask of you.

What is your top book and film recommendations for our pupils, and why?

I have read so many great books and watched so many wonderful films, it's difficult to think of just one of each...

Shawshank Redemption is brilliant, and I'm always happy to watch a Rom Com, I love the Bridget Jones films and am looking forward to seeing the new one. I know it sounds strange, but I love children's books... Cops and Robbers by Janet and Allan Ahlberg is worth a read, no matter your age!

An inspirational quote that resonates with you and the motivation it brings.

An inspirational quote I think is useful to remember is 'this too shall pass'. It's a proverb that means all things are temporary, including good and bad times.

It's a reminder to be patient and hopeful during difficult times.

Lastly, can you tell us something that we might not know about you.

I'm a keen tag rugby player and play every Monday in the Dulwich league in South London.

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© Mill Hill International 2025
Registered in England: Number 3404450. Registered Charity Number: 1064758. Registered office: Walker House, Millers Close, The Ridgeway, Mill Hill, London, NW7 1AQ